Script sample 3

Hovertext with the ability to change color


This script, and versions of it, are very common throughout in Second Life.  For language learning they could be inserted into any object to show its name in another language.


        llSetText("insert your text here \n insert a slash and 'n' to nake a new line", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
        // Change HOVERTEXT to text u want
        // Can use \n as a linebreak
        // Think that 255 is char limit...
        // Colors are as follows
        // 0,.5,.5  aqua
        // 0,0,1    blue
        // 0,0,.5   dark blue
        // 1,.5,0   orange
        // 0,1,1    cyan
        // 1,0,1    pink
        // 0,1,0    green
        // 0,.5,0   dark green
        // 1,0,0    red
        // .5,0,0   dark red
        // 1,1,1    white
        // 0,0,0    black
        // .5,.5,.5 grey
        // .5,.25,0 brown
        // 1,1,.1   yellow
        // .7,0,.7  purple